The Many Faces, and Facets of Depression in Men
- Men are less likely to seek professional help
- Men feel it is weak to ask for help
- Men do not speak to each other about the deeper issues
- Depression in men can look like something else and stay well hidden
- Men attempt suicide in WAYS that are more likely to be successful than women.
What does depression in men look like?
When a woman is depressed, she is far more likely to reach out and ask for help. Women have been taught to do this from a young age.
For a man however, they have been taught “toughen up” , “boys don’t cry”, “never show weakness”, and even today these statements are felt very deeply with men. This “toxic masculinity” is hurting men, and it is time to acknowledge that men are just as emotional as women, if we allow it.
So depression in men can look like this (and more):
- Anger
- Overreacting to small things
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Working too much
- Staying home from work
- Lashing out at loved ones
- Drinking, drugs, gaming, gabling, porn addiction
- Sleeping more, or less
- Eating more, or less
To find out if you could be depressed CLICK HERE to do the Male Depression Scale. This scale is to give you an idea of where you are at and should not be used as the sole indicator of depression.
If you are concerned you are depressed it is highly recommended that you seek professional help. The more you ignore your feelings the more they try to get your attention.